Early Access Full Goat Bundle

Start early. Pass the bar.
Immediate Access through August 1, 2025

Note: The content in this bundle frequently references F25, but it still applies to J25. I'll update the content as we get closer to J25 to reflect any changes.

These goats seem to like it!

"I LOVE YOU GOAT. You quite literally figured out a way to put everything into the easiest terms that a dumb b*tch like me can understand. Cant wait to pass F25 because of you! You're awesome!"

- Allison A

"As my sweet, southern grandma likes to say, "y'all, the proof is in in the puddin." It sure is. Civ pro has been the bane of my existence since International Shoe & was my worst MBE subject until I blanketed myself in Goat's beautiful civ pro wisdom. Now I'm scoring in the 90% range. Goat, I love you."

- HD, F24 Goat Gang Member

"You've found a way of communicating dense, difficult content into digestible, engaging, and insightful content. Especially as a foreign trained attorney, who last studied in 2008. I'm really glad that I found this bar review course."

- Dwight B

"This is sincerely the first time in my entire journey as a law student/post grad that I have actually enjoyed reviewing property law. It's so hard to answer MBE questions due to the mere fact one's eyes glaze over the minute someone starts going in about easements by prescription over Betty Jo's property. 10/10!!"

- Property Law Goat, F24

"Goat is the best in the game. He is creating a landmark that has never been seen before in any Bar Prep Companies. He makes his materials so easy. A 3rd grader would understand."

- Charles O

"It was the greatest thing I've ever purchased, as far as bar review. It's so easy to understand, and it's actually entertaining to read. He's so funny, so the material is not dull and boring. You'll be going through the outline, and next thing you know you're watching a 30 second youtube clip about Lamelo Ball dunking on everyone lmao. He does such a good job honestly."

- Ahmed M

"This is my first GOAT Bar Prep read and man….I’m blown away. I don’t want to be dramatic but I want to cry LOL. Definitely wish I knew about this at the start of bar prep but I’m so happy I found this!! I was genuinely laughing & LEARNING throughout the entire thing. This is golden."

- A slightly emotional F24 Goat

"He was always a... peculiar boy. Had an affinity for farm animals, that was clear from the very start."

- Goat's Mom


The Early Access Goat Bundle Includes:

All current Goat MBE content.

now through August 1, 2025 

a free "10 Mystery MBE Tricks" course delivered directly to your "My Courses" page after purchase!

by purchasing the bundle, you will receive all F25 and J25 content updates for FREE!

Here's what's coming soon:
- Torts: Negligence, Strict Liability, Other Torts
If you have other questions - check out the FAQ!

The early goat gets the worm.