Feb 4 / Goat

F25 MEE Predictions

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The time of reckoning is upon us my Goats.

I wasn't going to do predictions this cycle since I think it can be harmful to students. They are irresponsible and they cause students to not study every topic.

I swore I'd never do them again

But this morning... at around 6:30A.M. on my daily morning meditation walk... I had what I've now come to call "The Vision"
In the vision I saw a council of elder lawyers who began speaking with me. I was nearly brought to tears hearing their wisdom
And then, all at once, the six essay topics flooded into my mind
If I get more than two of these wrong I'm going to disappear forever and become a voluntary live-in Walrus like that guy in the movie Tusk

But seriously, you're all doing an amazing job. Do not let this test bring down your spirits. They should let you all use ChatGPT while taking it - that would be a way more realistic simulation of what it's like to be a lawyer.

I'm going to do a free Goat Bar Prep t-shirt give away later this week on the subreddit if anyone wants a shirt (you just have to wear it at the testing center to be eligible haha)

Reach out if you ever have any questions or just want to have a vent-session. I'm always around to talk in the afternoons.

And one last reminder: You all WILL pass this test and be lawyers in a few months. You can do it Goat Gang.

And even if you don't... the July test is like two months after the February test. So don't stress and take care of yourselves.

Stay on the grind and finish strong - this test is ours

- Goat