Okay let's talk about physical characteristics

People with physical disabilities are NOT compared to an "ideal person" with no physical limitations.
A blind person will be held to the same standard as a "reasonably prudent blind person." It's not a higher standard, it's just a different standard that requires different actions
Blind people may have to take different precautions to become "reasonable" - like using a walking stick to cross the street, etc.
Similarly, short kings are not expected to see danger that only tall guys could see.
Helen Keller is not expected to hear nearby sounds of danger.
You all get what I'm saying.
If a blind person was held to the same "reasonable sighted person standard" as someone who could see... a blind person would
LITERALLY be negligent by simply walking outside.
A reasonable person with sight would never close their eyes while walking across the street.
So clearly we have to tailor the standard for physical limitations.
But it's not a higher standard... people with physical limitations simply have to do different things to become reasonable
Sometimes really short people have to use hand controls for the pedals for example
My homie Kyle is 4'6'' and he has one of these things

This would kind of kill the vibe on a date... but if you didn't bring it and crashed into someone... you'd be unreasonable
A blind person, to become reasonable, would have to actually avoid driving.
So it's not a "higher standard"... it is really just different actions that must be taken to meet the eternal standard of care.
The bar exam often tries to trick you into picking a choice that claims the standard is "higher" rather than "different"... so beware.
write that down. Then erase it. Then sage your whole room.